Photo Album



Lennox Family
Points of Interest
Photo Album
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schoenstatt - Campsies in background.jpg (97228 bytes)       Ballencleroch-Schoenstatt.jpg (72103 bytes)      LC16.jpg (612134 bytes)   ghosts.jpg (105642 bytes)     

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Schoenstatt chapel.jpg (102596 bytes)       Main St looking west.jpg (296282 bytes)       Caroline's building.jpg (46376 bytes)       Double stairs, Service Street.jpg (78591 bytes)  

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  Boulevard 3.jpg (226661 bytes)         Doorway.jpg (149900 bytes)     main_street_bg.jpg (22980 bytes)      Near Swan Inn.jpg (261214 bytes)        

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Under arch at Castle.jpg (84171 bytes)    Main Street looking east.jpg (43002 bytes)       McLintocks.jpg (329725 bytes)   Whitefield Dam, Feb 17th 2006.jpg (317846 bytes)

13 14 15 16


December 24th 3.jpg (143955 bytes)   Lennoxtown from the South Braes.jpg (153741 bytes)      Approach to Lennoxtown.jpg (356356 bytes)         lcastle.jpg (184905 bytes)  

17 18 19 20


Glenmill laundry workers.jpg (45744 bytes)     Mission page 1.jpg (77400 bytes)    Mission page 2.jpg (79764 bytes)    McMeekin's Newsagents.jpg (344683 bytes)  

21 22 23 24

Inspection of companies.jpg (133561 bytes)        West end of Village, March 30th 2006.jpg (334347 bytes)         Mid area of village March 31st 2006.jpg (322275 bytes)       East end of village, March 30th 2006.jpg (360565 bytes) 

25 26 27 28

Castle September 10th 2003.jpg (240926 bytes)          Back View of Castle, September 10th 2003.jpg (218073 bytes)          View of Interior, Castle September 10th 2003.jpg (132325 bytes)       Ornamental window, 10th September 2003.jpg (223852 bytes)  

29 30 31 32

Oval_Stones_March_05.jpg (165242 bytes)          Oval_Stones_8.jpg (202102 bytes)         From_my_window_Holyknowe_2004.jpg (126692 bytes)     Snowy_Holyknowe_Road_2004.jpg (114867 bytes)   

33 34 35 36

High_Church_Ablaze.jpg (73046 bytes)     High_Kirk_ablaze_2.jpg (85985 bytes)     Campsie Fells.jpg (145870 bytes)      Lennox Castle 3 September 8th 2006.jpg (162197 bytes)





     Please refer to Bibliography for more information on photographic credits.


bullet1.      Schoenstatt
bullet2.      Balenchleroch House (now Schoenstatt)
bullet3.      Demolition at Lennox-Castle Hospital.                  Courtesy of Edward Smith. 
bullet4.      'Ghosts' of former wards after demolition.                "                     "                 
bullet5.      Chapel at Schoenstatt
bullet6.      Main Street, looking West.                                       Strathkelvin District Libraries. 
bullet7.      Cottages, Main Street.
bullet8.      Double stair building in Service Street.                 Strathkelvin District Libraries.
bullet9.      Boulevard after closure of Lennox Castle Hospital.
bullet10.    Main entrance, Lennox-Castle.
bullet11.    Main Street, facing West. Spire of Trinity church is visible.  District Libraries.
bullet12.    Swan Inn at Quarry Lane.                                          Strathkelvin District Libraries.
bullet13.    Underside of archway - entrance to Lennox-Castle.
bullet14.    Main Street. looking East.
bullet15.    James McLintock & Sons shop .                                Strathkelvin District Libraries
bullet16.    Whitefield dam
bullet17.    Snowy Campsies from Benvue Road.
bullet18.    Lennoxtown from South Braes.
bullet19.    Approach to Lennoxtown from Torrance Road.
bullet20.    Aerial view of Lennox Castle.                                   Courtesy of  Edward Smith. 
bullet21.    Glenmill workers c 1905.
bullet22.    Memorial Mission Brochure- page 1. c1945
bullet23.    Memorial Mission Brochure- page 2.    
bullet24.    Mrs. McMeekin, outside her shop, Main Street.     Strathkelvin District Libraries.
bullet25.    Gathering in High Park c 1945.                                  Strathkelvin District Libraries.
bullet26.    New houses (Calico Way). west end of village.
bullet27.    Mid section of the village, showing Campsie High Church.
bullet28.    East end of village.
bullet29.    Lennox Castle, September 10th, 2003
bullet30.    Rear View of Castle
bullet31.    Interior of Lennox  Castle, March 10th 2003
bullet32.    Broken windows at Lennox Castle.    
bullet33.    Painted stones at entrance to Netherton Oval.
bullet34.    Painted stone number 8 at Netherton Oval.
bullet35.    From my window 2004.
bullet36.    Snowy Holyknowe Road 2004.
bullet37.    High Church ablaze 1.                                                Courtesy of May Gilchrist.
bullet38.    High Church ablaze 2.                                                Courtesy  of May Gilchrist.
bullet39.    Campsie Fells, April 23rd 2006.                                Courtesy of George Legg.
bullet40.    Lennox Castle, September 8th 2006



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