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Public Houses
Commercial Inn128, Main Street, Lennoxtown, Tel: 01360 310 206. This Inn, was the Robertson Arms Inn, now called the Commercial Inn, or 'The Commie', and was the principal Inn in the district. It adjoined the Relief Church, and the first minister, Mr. Colquhoun, used to drop in when passing, to visit the host and hostess who were connected with the church. Above the door of the Inn was the Robertson Arms blazoned in all it's glory. On the shield 3 wolves heads erased or, a dexter hand holding a regal crown. The supporters were a serpent balancing itself on it's tail, and a huge dove as long as the serpent. This crest, arms and motto "Glory to the recompense of Valour", had been granted to the Robertson's of Struan.
Drookit Dug101, Main Street, Lennoxtown. Tel: 01360 310 531
Swan InnQuarry Lane, Lennoxtown. Tel: 01360 310 -218 www.theswan-inn.co.uk
Licensee: Angela Clark Head Chef: Eric Grey
Glazert Country House HotelMilton Road, Lennoxtown. Tel: 01360 310-790
Glazert Country House Hotel, is a small, pleasant, tastefully decorated, family run hotel, in a beautiful tranquil setting. With restaurant/conservatory, lounge bar, function suite, high standard of cuisine, and all bedrooms are en-suite. An ideal setting for weddings. Other functions such as conferences for 5 to 180 delegates can be accommodated.
Lennox Arms Hotel (now demolished)Lennoxtowns' new co-operative shop built in 2002 now stands on the site. Below are snippets of information taken from Kirkintilloch Herald Publications.
Names of former Lennoxtown/Haughhead/Campsie Glen Pubs - Know any more?
Between 19336-39, used as training centre by Benny Lynch.
Licencing LawsState control over the sale of alcohol in Britain dates back to legislation, introduced in England in 1498, to deal with the troubles then being caused, particularly in towns, by former soldiers and others displaced during the Wars of the Roses, who frequented ale-houses and led a life based on crime and violence. However, licensing was not introduced into Scotland until after the Union with England; the first Act, in 1755, extending north of the border the system which had been developing in England for more than two and a half centuries. By the end of the 18th century, almost all the main features of liquor licensing as it is known today, had already emerged. No one was allowed to sell alcohol for consumption on the premises unless they had been granted a licence. Licences were granted annually by Justices of the Peace, and restrictions were imposed on the licence holder, principally as to the hours s/he could open for business, but also on a variety of other matters. During the First World War, a major tightening up of licensing laws took place in an attempt to reduce drinking and concentrate effort on war. Opening hours were reduced, off-sales hours were reduced and the strength of spirit was reduced by 10%, and total production was reduced under a system of central control. Once established, this control was not willingly relinquished, and significant elements of these so called 'temporary' wartime restrictions were continued in a modified form in the 1921 Licensing Acts, and persist today. Important changes were made in the way drinking was permitted and organized in Scotland. Control over licensing was removed from Justices of the Peace and given to new boards made up entirely of councillors. The major reform was in the hours during which licensed premises were allowed to open. Previously, opening had been restricted, then the basic hours were extended. Further changes affected Sunday opening, and it was these changes which sometimes caused strife to the people of Lennoxtown . Prior to 1962, hotels were only permitted to open on Sundays to supply drinks to 'Bona Fide' travellers, a rule that did more to encourage drunken driving that any other single cause, and contributed a great deal to the increased crime rate in Lennoxtown. People from Kirkintilloch where there were no public houses, could travel to Lennoxtown and claim to be bona fide travellers, thereby qualifying to drink in the hotels. For many years, Kirkintilloch voted to keep their town 'dry', making it necessary for residents to move to other areas, such as Lennoxtown when they wanted to drink. There were regular disturbances and breaches of the peace as a result of drinking, and the offenders often had to appear before the Campsie J. P. Court. One case reported in November 1922, was that of a man being found drunk and incapable in the Main Street, and according to the prosecutor, he was in such a helpless state of intoxication that he had to be locked up. The accused pled guilty to the charge. The Chairman said "This is one of those Kirkintilloch men who come over here to get drink." The Assessor then said - "Yes, and you will notice that these dry areas are claiming to have been free from crime, but they come over here and annoy other people." The Chairman continued, "you can't come over here from a dry district and make beasts of yourselves in Lennoxtown. We won't have it." A penalty of 15/- was imposed, with a week to pay. At the same sitting three people were charged with being drunk and incapable, and three with breach of the peace. One of those charged was a miner from Waterside who forfeited a pledge of £2 on a charge of having created a breach of the peace by struggling and fighting near the Swan Inn. Another man, a labourer from West High Street, Kirkintilloch forfeited a pledge of 20/- on a charge of being drunk and incapable in Station Road, Lennoxtown. Another man from Woodhead Avenue, Kirkintilloch was charged with being in charge of a vehicle on springs in Main Street, Lennoxtown, after 8 pm without having two lights, Pleading guilty, he explained that he was obliging Mr. David Lawson that day. The lorry had been booked to be at the shooting range at Lennoxtown at 7pm, and if he had got away at that time it would have been all right, but they kept him waiting till the prizes in the shooting competition had been presented. A penalty of 7/6 was imposed.
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